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Application of Inquiry Learning to Exercise Critical Thinking Skills in Light Material of Elementary School Students
Last modified: 2018-07-07
Critical thinking skills are seen as important capabilities for survival and have become one of Indonesia's educational goals to be trained. The result of initial observation of critical thinking skill in grade 5 students of SDN Kemangsen 2 is known that 95% students get score 2 (with score range 1-4). Critical thinking skills of students need to be improved by applying hands-based learning of Hand on Science, one of them through inquiry learning. The purpose of this study is to determine the effectiveness of inquiry learning model in trained critical thinking skills of elementary students (n = 22). This research is done by One Group Pretest-Posttest Design method. Data were analyzed using t-dependent tests for overall critical thinking skills and descriptive analysis for critical thinking skills per indicator. The critical thinking skills trained in this study include evaluation, explanation, interpretation, and inference. The results of the analysis of this study is found an increase in indicator dilatihkan as well as the skills of students' critical thinking skills as a whole. Based on the results of data analysis, it can be concluded that inquiri learning is effective in trained students' critical thinking skills. The critical thinking skills of students should be continuously trained on appropriate materials or topics.
critical thinking skills, Inquiry learning, Science