Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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Scientific Literacy and Physics Problem Solving Skills Trough Inquiry-Based Learning for STEM Education
Lia Yuliati, Parno Parno, Allita Ayu Hapsari, Fitria Nurhidayah, Lilia Halim

Last modified: 2018-07-07



Physics problem-solving skills can be observed from understanding the concepts and problem-solving approaches that students have used. Student's physics problem-solving skills on work and energy material in school are still low because students have misconceptions, unable to recognize the cause and effect of relationships in work and energy theorems. Physics problem-solving approach consists of problem identification, problem-solving planning, problem-solving, and decision making. Physics problem-solving approach also includes the basic concept of scientific literacy that is component of investigation and scientific knowledge. Scientific literacy can be measured through three domains: context literacy, competency literacy, and knowledge literacy. Problem-solving skills and scientific literacy can be built through the implementation of active learning which includes inquiry-based learning appropriate for the development of 21st-century student skills. Inquiry-based learning can be done trans-disciplinary by involving aspects of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics, otherwise known as the STEM. In STEM education, students are introduced to real-life problems and are directed to solve the problem in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The effort to build problem-solving skills and scientific literacy in physics is conducted with research that is intended to examine the influence of inquiry-based learning in STEM Education toward physics problem-solving skills and scientific literacy of students, especially work and energy.


This study used a quasi-experimental approach with pretest-posttest control group design. The study was conducted on experimental and control groups. The treatment given to the experimental group is an inquiry-based learning that is integrated with the STEM program. The study was conducted on 52 students of grade 10th at SMAN I Gondanglegi Malang. The sample of the study was determined by cluster random sampling technique. The data were collected by using a written test to measure students' problem-solving skills and scientific literacy, teaching material, and learning observation sheets. Data analysis was conducted by using prerequisite test, equality test of the initial state, and hypothesis test. The prerequisite test results indicate that the data is normally distributed and homogeneous so that it can use T-test. Furthermore, data analysis is equipped with descriptive statistics and coding based on problem-solving rubric and science literacy.


The results showed that inquiry-based learning in STEM Education had an influence toward students' physics problem-solving skills. The result of T-test showed that the students' physics problem-solving skills in the experimental group and control group on work and energy are different. Value of T count = 2.563 > 2.01 (T table) and the average of the experimental group is 64.98 higher than control group 54.67. Students in the experimental group had higher problem-solving skills than in the control group. The process of understanding and planning problems can be identified both by the students in the experimental group. The skill to understand student problems includes the superior understanding of the problem category and problem-solving planning skill including the superior problem-solving pathway category. The results of the scientific literacy study showed that the students' scientific literacy included scientific context (35%), scientific competence (34%), and scientific knowledge (31%) as shown in Figure 1.












Figure 1. Scientific Literacy of Students


The results concluded that students who have problem-solving skills on inquiry-based learning in STEM education have an effect on students' physics problem-solving skills. Students have problem-solving skills in the superior category. Students are able to plan and implement problem-solving and make conclusions so that students have scientific literacy on the multidimensional level. The results provide recommendations to further researcher to explore the causes and to reduce misconceptions through the use of problem-solving approaches that integrate STEM in Physics learning in schools.


Keywords: inquiry-based learning for STEM Education, scientific literacy, problem-solving skills, work and energy

Acknowledgment: Thank you for Universitas Negeri Malang who has funded this research [Project Number = 2.3.84/UN32.14/L.T/2018].


inquiry-based learning for STEM Education;scientific literacy ; problem solving skills ; work and energy