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The Effect of Virtual Lab and Gender Toward Students’ Creativity of Physics
Last modified: 2018-07-07
Creativity is one of the success goals in learning process. One of the efforts to develop and to improve creativity is through computer-based learning. The aim of this study is to investigate the use of virtual laboratory toward student creativity which consist of verbal, numerical and figural creativity in physics. Then the increase of students’ average score were compared based on their gender. This quasi-experimental study used pretest posttest control group design conducted at four different schools with 51 male and 51 female students. The data were obtained based on creativity tests (essay form) that have been validated by experts. The test of the creativity improvement differences was done by calculated the average difference of N-gain score. The results showed that, in general, the female students have higher scores than male students. In the aspect of verbal creativity, male and female students have the equal score relatively. Whereas, in the aspect of numerical creativity and figural creativity, the female students have higher scores than the male students.
creativity, virtual laboratory, gender, physics