Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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Yunitaningrum Dwi Candrarini, S.ST
Yunita Ningrum Dwi

Last modified: 2018-07-07


The ability to analyze a problem is very much needed by SMK students, especially for students majoring in Software Engineering (RPL) and Multimedia (MM) in achieving their vocational competencies that is analyzing and creating a program and web design. This is not in accordance with the facts that exist in the field, where from the results of interviews of physics teachers and vocational students who are difficult in performing an analysis of a physical problem. This is the background of the importance of research to tackle the skills of the process of science because in it there are various skills that support student competence, especially the ability of analysis. The purpose of this research is to produce a suitable Inquiry learning device of Guided Inquiry in Impuls and Momentum material to trace the science process skill of SMKN 1 Surabaya students. This research is a type of development research using pre experimental method with one group pretest-posttest design and applied to students of SMK Negeri 1 Surabaya Class X. Method of data retrieval in research using validation, test, interview, observation and questionnaire. Data analysis technique using quantitative descriptive analysis. Content-validity coefficient of Guided Inquiry devices is analyzed using Aiken's formula and percentage of agreement. Skills of students' Science Processes are analyzed using N-Gain. The findings of research results in the form of learning tools developed (RPP, LKS, BAS, and Science Process Skills Values ​​Sheet) are very valid categories, excellent learning categorization, where the average score of N-Gain in high category, and student's response to learning is very good. Based on the findings of the study, it was concluded that the learning tools developed have met the valid, practical and effective criteria so that they are worthy to be used to train students' science process skills.


Science Process Skills, Guided Inquiry