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Effect of surfactants on carbon fiber dispertion of cement carbon fiber reinforced composite for self-monitoring applications
Last modified: 2018-07-07
Carbon fiber reinforced concrete is a sensor base material, which can be used to realize the self -monitoring of concrete structures based on its piezoresistance. The Material’s ability to sense an applied compressive load through a measureable change in resistivity.  Dispersion  of carbon fibers affected greatly the mechanical and electrical properties of the composites. Three type of surfactans, Carboxymethyl cellulose, super plasticizer and NaOH will use to help fiber dispersion using different concentration 0.4, 0.8, 1.2 and 1.6 / aquades % wt. and using magnetic stirrer in 350 rpm. UV-vis Spectrophotometry is  used for dispersion characterization of carbon fiber suspense .
carbon fiber, dispertion, molding, self-monitoring