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Improving of Students’ Collaborative Critical Thinking Skills through the Implementation of a CinQASE Learning Model
Last modified: 2018-07-07
The Learning Model CinQASE is a collaborative based learning to improve students' critical collaborative thinking skills. CinQASE learning model has a syntax consisting of 5 phases, namely: 1) Problem Presentation, 2) Individual Work, 3) Team Work in Collaboration, 4) Class Discussion, and 5) Evaluation and feedback. The purpose of this research is improving students' collaborative critical thinking skills through the implementation of CinQASE learning model. This research uses one group pre-test and post-test design on 56 physics education students of Universitas Halu Uleo (Kendari, Indonesia), academic year 2017/2018. Student's collaborative critical thinking skills are measured Collaborative Critical Thinking Skills Assessment Sheet (CCTSA) with indicators including: questioning, analysing, synthezing, and evaluating. The data analysis technique uses Wilcoxon test, N-gain and Anova test. The results of the research prove that: 1) The average post-test score of 3.13 (high group); 2) There is improvement of students' collaborative critical thinking skills at α = 5%; 3) Average score of n-gain students' collaborative critical thinking skills of .62 (medium group); 4) There was no significant difference (there was consistency) of n-gain students' collaborative critical thinking skills in all groups and 5) Students responded very positively to implicate of CinQASE learning model. Therefore the CinQASE learning model is effective for improving collaborative critical thinking skills of the physics education student. Another finding based on the results of interviews with students shows the CinQASE model has a nature effect can improve collaborative skills and argumentation. The implication is CinQaSe learning model can used as alternative solution to improve collaborative critical thinking skill of physics education student in Indonesia.
CinQASE learning model, collaborative critical thinking skill, physics education student