Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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Synthesis of hydroxyapatite from Crab Shell (Scylla serrata) Waste with Different Methods For Biomedical Applications
sari edi cahyaningrum

Last modified: 2018-07-07


Hydroxyapatite is the main material of bone structure which has chemical formula Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2. In this research, hydroxyapatite synthesis use precursor calcium from crab shells and phosphate from H3PO4. Phosphate addition is done in single drop and wise drop. The calcination of crab shell was done at 1000 °C for 5 hours. The FTIR analysis  showed  there were functional groups of OH, CO32-, PO43- and Ca-O.   The XRD analysis of hydroxyapatite showed that synthesis with wish drop method has the main phase of hydroxyapatite and second phase is apatite carbonate.  Hydroxyapatite that synthesized by single drop becides produce those phase also produce tricalciumbis(orthophosphate) phase. The synthesized hydroxyapatite using the wise drop method has a larger surface area and pore volume but has a smaller pore size than that synthesis by using single drop method. The analyze morphology showed that hydroxyapatite that synthesis using the wise drop method there is an agglomeration in morphology and  the result of compression test  is 74.22 MPa. The   hydroxyapatite that synthesis using single drop method has smooth morphology with pores spread evenly and the result a compression test   is 56.92 MPa.


crab shell, hydroxyapatite, single drop, wise drop