Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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Elementary Graders' Spatial-Mathematical Reasoning on Plane Area
Mufarrahatus Syarifah

Last modified: 2018-07-07


The primary goal of this study was to explore elementary graders’ reasoning on finding plane area. 30 fourth and fifth graders, whose medium and high skill on mathematics, were asked to find area of plane consist of some geometric shapes. Students’ answers were classified to find the strategy used in partitioning in order to find the area and the type of mistakes made, both procedural and conceptual. It showed that the strategies on partitioning depended on students’ knowledge about how to find area of plane, the more familiar the geometric shapes the simpler partition was done. While the type of errors showed the lack of fluency in calculation (procedural) and failure in building the concept of part of plane geometric shape. Based on the findings obtained, further discussion of learning barriers that make students do the type of mistakes and teaching recommendations that teachers can apply to support students' spatial reasoning abilities in solving geometry problems.


Spatial Reasoning, Mathematical Reasoning, Plane Area