Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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Improving of Students’ Creative Thinking Skills through the Implementation of a OrDeP2E Learning Model Based Contextual Approach
Hamsa Doa, Binar Kurnia Prahani, Thamrin Hidayat, Budi Jatmiko

Last modified: 2018-07-07


The OrDeP2E learning model based on contextual approach is a science-based learning activity based on a contextual approach that emphasizes the creative thinking process of junior high school students. The syntax of OrDeP2E learning model, that is: 1) Orientation of Problems, 2) Define of Problems, 3) Submission of Hypothesis, 4) Hypothesis Testing, and 5) Evaluation and follow up. The purpose of this research is to improve students' creative thinking skill through the implementation of OrDeP2E learning model based on contextual approach. This study uses one group pre-test and post-test design in 160 students of SMPN 1 Krian (Sidoarjo, Indonesia), academic year 2017/2018. Students’ creative thinking skills are measured using the Creative Thinking Skills Assessment Sheet (CTSAS) with indicators of fluency, flexibility, originality, and elaboration. The data analysis technique using the Paired t-test, n-gain, and Anova test. The results of the study prove that: 1) The average post-test value of 3.40 (high category); 2) There is improvement of students' creative thinking skill at α = 5%; 3) Average score of n-gain of students' creative thinking skill of 0.76 (high category); 4) There is no difference (consistency) n-gain students' creative thinking skills in all groups, and 5) Students respond very positively to apply of the OrDeP2E-based learning model of Contextual Approach. Therefore the OrDeP2E learning model based on contextual approach has proven effective to improve the creative thinking skill of junior high school students. The implication is OrDeP2E learning model based on contextual approach can be used as a solution to improve the creative thinking skill of junior high school students.



OrDeP2E learning model, creative thinking skills, junior high school students.