Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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Training Of Teachers In The Development Of Guided Inquiry Practical Worksheet On Rate Of Reaction To Increase Students' Scientific Literacy.
Abdul Rosid

Last modified: 2018-07-07


Teacher training that has been undertaken through various quality improvement projects is ineffective. Training is conducted only meets the demands of pro (Jalmo 2010, p. 80). Pulungan (2013, p5) sees some of the shortcomings of training that have been done. The demand for meaningful learning and answering the challenges of the era is needed by learners. skills that the 21st century generation must have as revealed by Partnership for 21st Century Skill (in Utari, 2016). Because learning chemistry is not just a fact, a concept or theory that must be memorized by learners, but consists of active activities or processes using all the initiative, creativity and scientific attitude to understand the phenomenon of nature that has not been understood. The importance of laboratory activity is expressed by Rustaman et al (in Baeti et al, 2014, p 1261). According to Domin (1999, pp. 543) there are four types of learning in the laboratory: expository, inquiry, discovery and problem-based. Furthermore. Gormally et al (2011, p 45) suggests the use of guided inquiry types to be applied in the learning or practicum process. In addition, Buck, Bretz and Towns (2008, p. 53), Yuliana, Dasna & Marfuah (2015, pp. 304) disclose the benefits of guided inquiry. Arisman and Permanasari (2015, pp. 183) and Rakhmawan (2012, pp. 129) suggest that inquiry-based learning can improve students' literacy skills.


This study aims to develop training of teachers in the development of guided inquiry practical worksheet on rate of reaction to increase students' scientific literacy. The formulation of the problem in this study is "How effectiveness of teacher training in the development of LKS practice inquiry self-guided to improve understanding and literacy science students? This study is limited to guided inquiry practice guidelines only to the class XI grade reaction material in the curriculum of 2013.


Literally training is defined as "giving lessons and practice", "making it evolve in the desired direction". Many meanings of training, as revealed by Sudjana (2007, p. 4), Buckley and Caple (in Darmawan, 2016, pp. 22), Khomsatun (2013, p. 33), Cascio (in Decawati, 2011, p. ), Joyce and Showers (in Sparks and Horsley, 1989, pp. 8), Kamil (2012, pp. 10). Language inquiry is defined as "question or examination", the inquiry definition of Trowbridge and Bybee (in Haryono, 2013), Jack (2013, pp. 11), Hofstein and Lunetta (2003, p. 30), National Research Council (in Hofstein and Lunetta, p.30), Colburn (2000, p. 42). Specifically, lab inquiry is categorized into guided inquiry and free inquiry by Wenning (2005, pp. 11). according to the OECD (2015, p.x) science literacy is defined as knowledge, understanding and awareness of science and technology and the desire to make it a provision for life in a modern society contribute to personal, social, professional and cultural life. The three basic dimensions of measurable scientific literature are (1) scientific knowledge or concepts, (2) scientific processes and (3) situations or contexts.


The subjects of this study are teachers who are members of MGMP Chemistry Karawang regency, amounting to 26 people as a trainee, mixed methods are selected because there is a need to examine more deeply qualitative and quantitative side. To measure the quantitative side using pre-experimental design, (Sugiyono, 2014, pp. 74). In addition, the researchers intervened throughout the study with One-group pretest-posttest design, a study designed with the involvement of one group given pretest (O1), treatment (X) and posttest (O2) (McMillan, JH, & Schumacher, S , 1984, pp. 453) and questionnaires to see teacher responses to training. The pretest and posttest results were calculated by measuring N-gain, and scoring teacher responses from Riduwan (2016, pp. 41).


From the result of questionnaire collecting about teacher's response to the training, the teacher's response was distributed with strong criteria (29%) and very strong (71%), with an average of 83 (Very Strong). (79%), training (80%), lab work (81%), practicum assessment (88%), science literacy (85%) and follow-up training (85%).

Analysis of the pretest and posttest values ​​of teachers' understanding in designing LKS in guided practicum inquiry is improved. The increase is shown by the N-gain obtained by each trainee's teacher. The average N-gain of trainees is 0.71 in the medium category. The N-gain distribution of the trainees is shown in table 1 below.


Table 1. Distribution of N-gain by category















Based on figure 1 above, the aspect of analyzing the curriculum has the smallest N-gain value while the aspect of preparing the referring question and the aspect of presenting the experimental data in the form of table / graphic. Arifin (2014) revealed that curriculum analysis is the first thing a teacher should do in designing a practicum or learning process, while the aspect of presenting data in the form of tables increases because at the time of training given the training of graphics / table using MS Excel program.




Generally, teacher responses to training show very strong categories with the highest responses on the topic of practicum assessment. And the ability of teachers in designing guided inquiry self-study worksheets has improved especially for aspects of curriculum analysis and presents experimental data in the form of tables / graphs.

The development of teachers' skills through measurable training and focused on improving teacher competence should be frequent, the selection of materials that are urgently needed and used in the learning process should also be considered.


guided inquiry, LKS, rate Of reaction, scaffolding, scientific literacy, training