Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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The Development of M-Learning Based on Android for Prism Sub Topic
Rosmelia Capriana

Last modified: 2018-07-07


The Development of M-Learning Based on Android for Prism Sub Topic

R Capriana1, M T Budiarto1, and Y Fuad1

1Postgraduate Mathematics Education Program, State University of Surabaya, East Java,  Indonesia

*Corresponding Author. Email:



Mobile learning or commonly calling by m-learning is a learning by using portable computing devices. Smartphone is one of it which is the user can access the lesson by connecting the internet. Android is the most operating system of smartphone used in the world. And this research aims to develop  m-learning based on Android to help students understand the prism sub topic. This research uses waterfall model to developed the application. The  application had tested by the four quality characteristics in ISO/IEC 25010. They are functional suitability, performance efficiency, portability, and usability. Distribution of this application is by uploading on Google Play Store.

Keywords: Mobile Learning, Android, Waterfall, ISO 25010.



Mobile Learning, Android, Waterfall, ISO 25010.