Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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The Influence of Inkuiri Method on Student Learning Result With Different Class Learning Style on Plantae Material
silfi ariani

Last modified: 2018-07-07


The fundamental issue that rarely gets the attention of schools in the learning process is how teachers teach and how the internal environment of learning is prepared. The process of learning done so far rarely touches how the internal environment is formed so that the learning process can provide maximum results. The strategy with inquiry methodology with class division based on learning style was developed as an effort to improve the learning outcomes also look for alternative learning environment more conducive so that in the learning process the teacher more easily choose the right method of learning. This research is an experimental research with aims to: 1) Describe the influence of Inquiry learning methods and different learning styles on student learning outcomes, 2) To know which learning styles are the most influential in the implementation of guided Inquiry learning methods to improve student learning outcomes. This research uses experimental squasize (quasi experiment) with 1x3 factorial design. Student data analysis technique result obtained in test with ANACOVA. Based on ANACOVA statistic test the value of A.Sign learning result is 0,019 and smaller than the level of significance of the research (α), that is 0,05. This Ho is rejected and H1 is accepted or it can be concluded that there is influence of learning styles of students in different classes against student learning outcomes. Post Hoc follow-up Tests on learning outcomes show that kinesthetic learning styles provide the best results when applied with inquiry methods. This research is important because there needs to be a reference for schools, where the process of class division in the same department is not only based on academic ability but also based on learning style to create a more conducive learning environment


Differens Class learning Styles, Inquiry, Method, Plantae, Student Learning Styles, Student Learning Outcomes