Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2018

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Metacognitive Strategies to Train Creative Thinking Skills in Creating Learning Media
Merina Safitri, Sunu Kuntjoro, Endang Susantini

Last modified: 2018-07-07


The problems that found in many schools are the low level of students' creative thinking skills. One strategy that can be used to practice creative thinking skills is metacognitive strategy.  In this strategy, students are trained to monitor their own thoughts to bring up ideas to solve problems in creating a work.  This study aims to train students' creative thinking skills through metacognitive strategies. Aspects of creative thinking skills that are measured is the ability of students in creating media learning on the coordination system material. The research method used is pre-experimental design with one-shot case study design and was tested on 23 students of science in grade XI of Ulul Albab Senior High School. The data is analyzed using descriptive qualitative analysis. The results showed that students can create a learning media about coordination system in the form of monopoly games, 3D media, and posters creatively after learning metacognitive strategy.



coordination system, creative thinking, learning media, metacognitive strategy.