Last modified: 2019-07-10
Ciplukan (Physalis angulata L.) plants are already widely used in medicine, including for wound healing, liver inflammation, malaria, and venereal disease. This is because there are flavonoids that are useful for inhibiting fibroblast growth so that wound care can be maximized. And also contains steroids that function as anti-inflammatory while saponins function as antioxidants and accelerate the healing process of wounds caused by inflammation. With phytochemical tests to determine the content of chemical compounds present in Ciplukan leaves, the physical stability test of ointment to determine the shape of the ointment in accordance with the existing ointment standards and then carried out in vivo tests on rats to determine the effectiveness of ointment against burns. Data from the results of testing the effect of ciplukan extract ointment on changes in burn diameter were then analyzed using the Two-way Anova method to find out the healing of combustio and to know that there were significant differences in each treatment