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Improve the Ability of Mathematical Understanding on Vocational Students in Kuningan by Using Mathematics Learning with Maple Software
Last modified: 2020-02-02
This study aims to examine the effectiveness of learning mathematics assisted by Maple software in improving the ability of vocational school students in Kuningan District. This research is motivated by students' difficulties in visualizing the concept of calculus, especially material about the area and volume of rotating objects. The population in this study were all students of SMK Negeri 2 Kuningan, with a sample of 2 classes selected using purposive sampling techniques, the experimental class using maple assisted learning and the control class using conventional learning. The research design used was Quasi Experiment by comparing the pretest-posttest data between the experimental class and the control class. Data collection through tests of mathematical understanding ability, questionnaires and interviews. Data processing uses parametric statistical analysis assuming the data is normally distributed and homogeneous. Based on the results of statistical analysis, obtained t count (4.962)> t table (2.39), so H1 accepted means there is a difference in the average ability of significant mathematical understanding between students who use maple software and those who do not use. Conclusions that can take is research is learning mathematics using maple software can improve students' mathematical understanding skills in the concept of integral calculus, besides that, learning mathematics with the help of maple software gets a positive response from students.
CAI; Calculus; Integral Area; Maple; Mathematical Understanding Skills; Simulation;
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