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Exploring biology prospective teachers’ views of science process skills in IKIP Mataram
Last modified: 2019-10-13
The school curriculum in Indonesia requires students to master science comprehensively through problem-based learning with the integration of science process skills (SPS) or scientific methods. This study aims to identify the responses of prospective teacher students about the importance of SPS components. This research is a survey research with a sample of 120 student biology teacher candidates at IKIP Mataram. The response of prospective teacher students to SPS was collected using 14 items in the questionnaire which were analyzed qualitatively and statistically to find out the frequency of the strongest responses according to prospective teacher students towards SPS components. The results showed that biology teacher candidates stated that problem-solving/critical thinking skills, understanding basic answers, hypotheses, and making conclusions were key components in SPS. Based on these findings, the application of learning that can improve the science process skills of prospective teacher students is important to do.
biology prospective teachers; science process skills