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Developing Physics Learning Materials in a Process Skill Approach to Fascilitate a Student’s Critical Thinking Skill in a Dynamic Electric Concept
Last modified: 2019-07-10
This research aims to developing learning materials with a scientific process approach to fascilitate a student’s critical thinking skill. This research is a Research and Development one which is done in three stages namely material developing stage using Dick and Carey’s model, material validation stage, and inclass-learning implementation stage using a pre-test and post-test design. The learning materials developed here covers Lesson Plans, Student’s Workbook, Assessment Paper, and Student’s Book. The data analysis which is done covers material validation on Lesson Plans, Student’s Workbook, Assessment Paper, and Student’s Book, readable level analysis on Student’s Workbook and Student’s Book, Lesson Plan’s implementation, student’s learning activities, student’s responses to the learning, student’s concept learning completion and student’s critical thinking skills. The result of the research is as follows; Lesson Plan Validation is catagorized as a valid, Student’s book and workbook are valid, Assessment paper for Concept is catagorized as valid and Assessment Paper for Critical Thinking Skill is also valid. Assesment Score for the student’s book and workbook’s readable level shows that the books’ contents, displays, and illustration are interesting for students. Lesson Plan’s implementation is also catagorized as valid. The observation to the students’ most dominantly shown activities are observation activity, experiment planning, and experiment execution or working by using scientific process skill to fascilitate the students’ critical thinking skills. The students’ responses to the learning process with scientific process skill approach is positive. An individual and group’s learning result completion of the product, process, psychomotoric and critical thinking skills have been accomplished. The obstucles found during the learning are that the students do not get used to the scientific process skills to solve their critical thinking skill problems and their limited time allocation so that the teacher ran out of the time to offer feedbacks to the students after their classes. Based on the data analysis we can draw a conclussion that learning kits with process skill approaches are worth to fascilitate the students’ critical thinking skills
Scientific Process Skill, Critical Thinking Skill