Last modified: 2019-10-13
Mathematical Connection Middle-School Students 8th in Realistic Mathematics Education
M. Hasbi1, A Lukito2, R Sulaiman3
1, 2, 3 Department of Mathematics, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, INDONESIA.
This study was conducted with the aim to notice the effect realistic mathematics education in improving 8th grade Middle-School students’ mathematical connection by employing measuring tools of an mathematical connection test and observation sheet, which were developed, was distributed to 37 experimental group students and 37 control group students, which makes 74 learners in total. This study was accompanied experimental by pre-test – post-test control group design. This participant are studying at 8.5th grade as the experimental group and 8.6th grade as the control group from a Middle-School 2 Candi Sidoarjo. Realistic Mathematics Education was implemented on experimental group while Control group was implemented to current Curriculum. The result of conducted experimental group, it was be discovered that mathematical connection test and observation sheet of experimental group students are better than control group students. It was be discovered too, based on the results of the mathematical connection test, 83,78% of students obtained N-Gain more than or equal to 0.7. Therefore, it is possible to say that realistic mathematics education is more efficient than the learning in control group.
Keywords: Realistic Mathematics Education, Mathematical Connection, Middle-School.