Last modified: 2019-10-09
Mathematics is one of the subjects taught in schools from elementary education to higher education, in which mathematics cannot be separated from the problem-solving activities. This is because the problem-solving activities is one of the most important skills taught to students early, as a preparation to face problems in the future. Fraction is one material that has a relatively difficult and challenging concept for students.
This study aims to describe the students’s representation of middle school in solving fractional problems based on sex difference. This research is an exploratory research with a qualitative approach that produces descriptive data. This research was conducted on 7th grade students of SMP Negeri 53 Surabaya. Written data was taken from the results of the written test which produced two research subjects. They are one male student and one female student who have a similar mathematical ability. Data collection method used are the test method by giving the task of mathematical and method of interview.
The results of the research showed that the mathematical representation of male junior high school students in solving fractions is by presenting the data provided using symbol manipulation and given verbal information with written words or sentences. While the mathematical representation of female junior high school students in solving fraction questions uses more verbal forms or written sentences as explanatory illustrations. So the representation ability of students can be used as a reference to determine the extent to which a student understands a problem at hand.