Last modified: 2019-10-09
Adnan S*1, Dwi Juniati 2, Raden Sulaiman3
1, 2, 3 Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
(e-mail:,, )
This research aims to describe the mathematical representation of junior high school students who have a field independent cognitive style and field dependent in solving geometry problems. Subjects were selected based on the test results of the Group Embedded Figures Test (GEFT), and had equivalent mathematical abilities. The research subjects consisted of two female students in the field independent and field dependent cognitive style. Female selected all research subjects according to the data obtained in the field so that the occurrence of differences in mathematical representation of students in solving geometry problems was really caused by differences in cognitive style. This research uses a qualitative method. Â The results showed that the subject used mathematical representation in expressing his idea to solve geometry problems by using Polya's problem solving: (a) understanding the problem (b) devising a plan (c) carrying out the plan, and (d) looking back. The mathematical representation of field independent in solving geometry problem is: understanding information and what is asked in verbal, devising a plan in a visual of geometric images, then presenting verbal plans, carrying out the plan in symbolic by doing calculations in accordance with the mathematical model that has been made, and looking back in symbolic by doing recalculation. Whereas field dependent mathematical representations to solving geometry problems is: understanding information and asking in visual of geometrical images and verbal, devising a plan in a visual in the form of subsequent images presenting verbal plans, carrying out the plan in symbolic by performing calculations according to the mathematical model that has been made, and looking back in symbolic in the form of recalculation.
Key Words : mathematical representation, solving geometry problems, cognitive style
Acknowledgment: This research reported here in was supported by SMP Al Falah Surabaya.