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Analysis of Strategic Competence Students Melancholy mode in Solving Problems in Mathematics in Comparison
Last modified: 2020-02-02
This study aimed to describe the strategic competence of students in solving the story in chapter Comparison. As for the aspects of the strategic competence of students of the subject in this study were students in formulating strategies, represent, and solve problems. This study uses descriptive qualitative research. The study participants were 20 students of class IX-A. Test subject selection is used personality test students who have a type of melancholy in a direct adaptation of the instrument which has been prepared by Florence Littauer. The sampling of the type of students it will be analyzed this melancholy strategic competence in solving a math problem on a comparison material. The results of personality tests in class IX-A is 2 students with the type of melancholy, 5 students who type koleris, 3 students of type pleghmatis, 5 students who type sanguinis. Two students (2 males) with a melancholy personality type selected as research subjects to be tested for strategic competence and continued with the interview based on indicators of strategic competence. The results of the strategic competency tests and interviews were analyzed based on three indicators of strategic competence, ie the ability to formulate the problem, the ability to present a problem, and ability to solve mathematical problems. The result showed that 2 students meet strategic competence indicator in solving mathematical problems in Comparison. Students type of melancholy meet strategic indicators of competence (strategic competence), namely to understand the situation and the condition of a problem, find key words and ignore things that are not relevant from a problem, presents a problem mathematically in various forms, choose the presentation which to help solve the problem, choose a method for effective solutions to solve a problem and find a solution to the problem given , These findings suggest the need for further research on learning styles.
Strategic Competency, Type Melancholic, Mathematics Problem Solving, Comparison
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