Last modified: 2019-10-08
One of the important skills in mathematics at school is problem solving skills. This study aims to determine the thinking process of students in solving problems regarding nets and volumes of cubes and beams presented in three-dimensional images. Cube and beam material are the mathematical material that exists in basic competencies that must be mastered by students and are closely related to everyday life that is often encountered by students. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The research subjects consisted of 2 students, 1 male and 1 woman in the same class at MTs. Nurul Huda Sidoarjo. The instruments of the study were the researchers themselves, test sheets and interview guidelines. The data collection technique is done by providing problem solving tests related to cubes and beams. In this study, students' thought processes in solving mathematical problems were observed using Polya's steps. The results of the analysis show that gender differences affect students' thinking skills in analyzing images for the volume of cubes and making nets. The study of differences in student analysis skills is very useful for a teacher to understand students 'thinking processes optimally to explore, direct, and improve students' analytical skills in mathematics learning. This finding shows, research can be continued based on students' cognitive abilities.