Last modified: 2019-07-10
The aim of this research is to develop a Braille Geometry module based on visual impairment students synthetic touch skill with Rigorous Mathematical Thinking (RMT) approach that was valid dan practical using ADDIE development design. This module designed to optimize students synthetic touching skills and develop RMTs three cognitive functions i.e the cognitive function of qualitative thinking, quantitative thinking with precision, and abstract relational logic thinking. A module was validated by media experts and material experts. The practicality of the module is measured by the student's response questionnaire. Data were analyzed using descriptive quantitative. The results showed the validity of geometry Braille module from experts showed valid in 86, 2%. Some revisions are needed especially on the representation of quadrilateral model which need appropriating to students physiological structural abnormalities. Based on data collected from seven students who have completely filled 10 statements in the questionnaire, about 87, 5% of students stated they could understand the questions very well and they agreed that module enhanced their understanding of the quadrilateral concept. Thus those result indicated a high level of practicality. This research concludes this module has good validity and practicality, especially for visual impairment student geometries object understanding that has limited visualization.