Last modified: 2019-08-23
Developing Learning Tools Guided Discovery Models Assisted Phet Simulations for Training Critical Thinking Skills High School Student
This research is aimed to develop learning device of Guided discovery model with Phet simulation to trill students critical thinking skill. This research uses 4D development model and tested on 30 students of class XII IPA with test design using one group pretest-posttest design. Learning tools developed include: (a) syllabus (b) student lesson plan (c) Student book (d) Student work sheet and (e) student's test critical thinking skills. Research data obtained through validation method, observation, test, and questionnaire. The results are analyzed descriptively quantitative and qualitative. The student's critical thinking ability is analyzed by N-gain. The results of the research shows that (a) learning device developed categorized is very valid (b) learning activity is done very well, (c) critical thinking ability of students have moderate improvement, and (d) student respond very positively to learning which has been implemented. based on results of the analysis and discussions, it was concluded that the learning device of guided discovery with phet simulation model developed is feasible to be used for trained critical thinking skills of high school students