Last modified: 2019-07-10
Statistical thinking is one of parts of means of scientific thinking which includes the way to think logically and systematically. Statistical thinking is thinking in a factual and objective way which means that seeing the problem is based on the facts or proofs both in quantitative and qualitative. Based on mathematics curriculum in Indonesia, statistics is taught in Elementary School. It has the same argument with the previous studies which state that it is very important to give the lesson of statistics in Elementary School. In fact, the different gender differentiates the statistical thinking process among the elementary students, where the female students have better verbal ability than the male students. This research aims to explore the statistical thinking process of elementary students in solving statistical problem. The quantitative approach is chosen to describe in depth related with students’ statistical thinking. The research finding shows that the female and male students have different way in applying statistical thinking to solve statistical problem. The representation between the female and male students is also different in describing the statistical problem. This research is as reference for the mathematics curriculum developer of Elementary School in Indonesia. In this case, it is used to develop the teaching learning process with statistical thinking oriented.