Last modified: 2019-10-09
As reported by Riset Kesehatan Dasar, Indonesia facing a serious problem of blindness with 966.326 cases of the 2 million population in 2013. Gold standard such as keratoplasthy couldn’t completely heal corneal injury due to recipient’s rejection and limited donor. In order to overcome those concerns, artificial corneal tissue needs to be developed to produce artificial cornea which is biocompatible, supports corneal function, applicable and biodegradable. This research conducted to provide initial description of Collagen – Chitosan - Natrium Hyaluronate (Col-Chi-NaHA) as artificial cornea through FTIR analysis, water absorption and hydrophilicity measurement. Artificial cornea were synthesized by forming ratio of collagen 20% w/v and chitosan 10% w/v, both solution were disolved in 0,1 M and 0,6 M acetic acid separately. Into the mixed solution, NaHA was dripped with variation of 0%, 0,3%, and 0,6%. The homogenous solution were cast and heated for 24 hours at 35°C. The dry membranes were immersed into NaOH and distilled water to obtain pH ±7. From the analysis known that all of the characteristic bands of Col-Chi-NaHA could be observed in obtained membranes. Water absorption measurement demonstrated precentages over 90% on all membranes. Contact angle of obtained membranes were decreased by the addition of NaHA, The results showed that artificial cornea made from Col-Chi-NaHA successfully synthesized, provide hydration to keep eye’s clarity and permeability. Therefore, Col-Chi-NaHA could may be a suitable materials for tissue-engineered cornea.