Last modified: 2019-10-13
The aims of this study are (1) to develop tsunami mitigation learning materials integrated in science lessons that are valid, practical and effective (2) to implement integrated tsunami mitigation teaching materials in science lessons (3) to increase student knowledge of tsunami and how to mitigate tsunami.
This type of research is development research. development of learning systems to improve knowledge of tsunami disaster mitigation. The development method used is the 4-D development model (four D) which has been developed by Thiagarajan, Dorothy S. Semmel, and Melvyn I. Semmel (1974). The sample consist of 28 student of MTSN 7 Blitar. Blitar MTSN 1 is located in Wates sub-district and is one of the tsunami-prone areas in East Java. To measure the level of feasibility of the developed learning device, a validation sheet was conducted by 2 expert lecturers. The learning materials developed were applied with one group pre-test post-test experimental design research. Experiment phase uses a research design called "One group pretest-posttest design". The variables discussed consist of 7 elements. They are learning media validation, implementation of lesson plans, student activities, student responses, student knowledge about disaster mitigation, and learning difficulties. Therefore, to determine the quality of teaching materials developed, it is necessary to obtain three types of data, validity, practicality, and effectiveness.
The research instrument used was data collection with test sheets (pre-test and post-test), questionnaire sheets and skills assessment sheets. The test sheet is used to find out the increase in students' knowledge of disaster so that the analysis is carried out using normalized gain test, students' response sheet to find out the responses of students to the developed tools and skill sheets to find out students' disaster prepared skills.
OrSAeV Learning Model integrates ICT in the learning process. This is based on a multi-representation theory that shows students who are supported by multi-representation based learning will be easier to control and improve learning outcomes. OrSAeV consists of evaluation, preparedness for disaster response, action and evaluation.
The results of the study were in the form of learning materials such as: Syllabus, lesson plans, learning methods, teaching materials, and techniques and types of assessment developed in sains learning. (for students). The results show that the learning devices developed are worthy of being given to students, and can increase students knowledge in recognizing and handling tsunami disasters.
Results show that the validity of the teaching materials which were developed was good and revealed the enhancement of students’ activities with positive response to the teaching learning process. All learning activities in Lesson Plan were implemented, with the average value obtained by each aspect in the amount of 3.75 was a good category.
The implications of this study were used as input for teachers and prospective teachers in teaching disaster mitigation especially for teachers teaching in tsunami-prone areas. Providing disaster learning is one solution for students so that they understand disaster and are prepared to anticipate disasters and know the quick and precise steps that must be taken before, during and after a disaster.