Last modified: 2019-10-13
Pramita Yakub*1, Utami Sri Hastuti2Â Endang Suarsini3 and Munzil4
1, Pramita Yakub’ Biology Department, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, INDONESIA.
2,3,4 Utami Sri Hastuti, Endang Suarsini,Munzil, Biology Department, State University of Malang, INDONESIA.
People at Halmahera Island using the sago (Metroxylon sago) in traditionally way for consumptions. The processed sago usually is thrown away to the ground which is to cause of pollution. Some bacteria amylolytic indigenous could be found in sago waste product. The aims of this research are: 1) to identify the indigenous amylolytic bacteria species in sago waste; 2) to test the amylolytic ability of each bacteria species, 3) to differentiate ability activities of amylase enzyme from each bacteria species.
This research was conducted at microbiology laboratory, Biology Departement-FMIPA-State University of Malang, Faculty of Medicine-Brawijaya University and . The sample from sago waste at 4 District from Halmahera. The samples were grinded and diluted in nutrient broth, and then the suspension was diluted gradually until 10-10. The Suspension was inoculated 0.1µL each on nutrient agar medium in 37o‑C during 1 x 24 hour. Each bacteria colony were growing on the medium were isolated and determined to know which one of the amylolytic bacteria. The amylum hydrolysis index of each amylolytic bacteria species were counted as well as the amylolytic index. Each amylolytic bacteria species were founded, i.e Bacillus alvei, Bacillus amylolyquefachiens and Pseudomonas putida. This research result showed that: 1) there are found 3 indigenous amylolytic bacteria species from sago waste; 2) Bacillus alvei has the highest amylum hydrolysis index, i.e., 3.6, and 3) the activity of α-amylase and β-amylase enzymes between the species and there are 3 species from sago waste were differed significantly. The Activity of α-amylase B. alvei was 1877.00 U/mg, the activity β-amylase enzymes was 1363.67 U/mg, and the activity of α-amylase B. amylolyquefachiens was 1705.67 U/mg β-amylase was 1256.00 U/mg and Pseudomonas putida activity of α-amylase was 1438.33 U/mg and β-amylase was 1206.33 U / mg.