Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2019

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Requirement Analysis of Model Problem Based Learning Learning Devices to Increase High Order Thinking Skills of Junior High Schools
nur fuaidah, Madlazim Madlazim, Rudiana Agustini

Last modified: 2019-10-13


Nur Fuaidah*1, Madlazim2, Rudiana Agustini3

1,2,3Department of Science Education, Continuing Program Development of University of Surabaya, Ketintang, Surabaya 6023, East Java, Indonesia.





The thinking ability of students must fulfill the capabilities of the 21st century is High-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS). The purpose of this study was to analyze the needs of science learning devices for Problem Based Learning (PBL) models to improve HOTS of junior high school students. This research method uses survey and observation through interviews and literature review. The results of a study of one junior high school in Kediri showed that the learning activities and cognitive tests given to students had not shown high-level thinking skills. The data held by Science Teachers showed that the learning outcomes of static electricity material students were still less than KKM, which was 66.50 from KKM 75. The results of the percentage of mastery of static electricity material in junior / city, provincial and national level were 54, 95; 47.81; and 49.57. These results indicate that static electricity is classified as difficult. The results of the research questionnaire given to junior high school students also reinforce that some students have difficulty with the material. Learning models that can support the improvement of students' high-level thinking skills, one of which is the PBL model. The junior high school science teacher interviewed by the researcher also explained that the PBL model had never been used, so far the teacher only used interactive dialogue. Therefore, the PBL learning model is needed to improve the HOTS of junior high school students. The results of the development of the device are in the form of Syllabus, Learning Process Design, Student Activity Sheet, and Assessment Sheet. Based on the research, it can be seen that the PBL science learning device in static electricity material is needed to improve the HOTS of junior high school students.



Static Electricity, Problem Based Learning, High-Order Thinking Skills