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A Critical Analysis of Dramatisation on Evacuation Drill
Last modified: 2019-10-08
This paper presents a critical analysis of the evacuation drill in Indonesian schools. Evacuation drill gets more attention as a frequent natural disaster occurs in many parts of Indonesia. In some cases, practical procedures of safety become more prioritised than science-based knowledge of risk when it comes to raising public awareness. Evacuation drill, then, becomes essential in promoting DRR awareness. Role-play during evacuation drill becomes a new trend to communicate disaster risk reduction (DRR) strategy to the school community. Teachers and students have been playing a significant role in reducing the risk of disaster in their school environment. Moreover, the school community has the potential to disseminate DRR awareness to a broader community. The methods used in this study for data collection are a visitation, observation, and interview. A three-step process applied for data interpretation: transcription, coding, and description. Fourteen elementary schools were visited, and 14 school principals and 14 teachers participated in this study. The results show that role-playing in evacuation drill affects the community's attention in DRR. The interview with the school principals shows that 83,33% of school principals and teachers feel excited and happy with role-playing in the evacuation drill, 16,67% of school principals and teachers feel burdened with role-playing in the evacuation playing. However, the attention does not guarantee the commitment from the school community to continue the program independently. A dramatization, as the nature of role-playing, provides the emotional aspect that affects the ability to make a decision during a critical condition. However, dramatization in the evacuation drill could make DRR information lost since it could steal attention from the audience. Further research for evaluating the implementation of evacuation drill in schools is needed to develop better DRR training and education for the school community.
(Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR); dramatisation; role-playing; and evacuation) drill