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Students' Ability to Arrange Learning Devices Using Discovery Learning Model in Innovative Learning II Course
Last modified: 2019-10-10
Based on curriculum development in primary and secondary schools, Unesa Mathematics Department through the KKNI curriculum has tried to adjust 2013 curriculum, which is to teach students about learning with scientific and constructivist approach. This is done in the subject of Innovative Learning II through discovery learning chapter. Therefore, this study aims to determine the ability of Mathematics Education students to develop learning devices with discovery learning models in the subjects of Innovative Learning II. This study included qualitative descriptive research. The subject of this research was 25 people of 2016 U class in Mathematics Education Study Program. This study uses Validation Sheet and Task Sheet as instrument. The results of this study are the ability of students to choose mathematical material that is suitable for compiling discovery learning devices in the Innovative Learning II course, which is students generally only be able to explain the basic theoretical, mention, and explain the phase of discovery learning. Nevertheless, in the Innovative Learning II course shows that almost all students have been able to compile a tool for the discovery learning model, because students have demonstrated learning objectives, learning materials, learning steps, and worksheet used.
Discovery Learning Model; Student’ Ability; Learning Tools