Last modified: 2019-10-10
Shwab (2016) states industrial revolution 4.0 emphasizes the development of new technologies. The 4.0 industrial revolution not only affected business, government, but also affected education. Fisk (2017) also states that in the era of industrial revolution 4.0, students must have creative and innovative thoughts so that they can think creatively. Lin and Wu (2015) state that the abilities needed in the future are related to professional engineering skills, integration, communication, ethics, independent learning, and cooperation and the ability to think creatively. There are four indicators of creative thinking, namely fluency (ability in composing a concept), flexibility (ability to change thoughts in response to a change), authenticity (ability to think or express different ideas), elaboration (ability to add details in a basic response) Sung and Hwang (2013). One way to create students to think creatively is by implementing Blended Learning using Schoology.
Blended Learning is a learning method that can be applied to biological material, especially in material with a wide scope. In this case is Bryophyta that learned by Tenth grader. Â This material is classified as extensive material because it includes three division, namely Hepatophyta (liverworts), Antherophyta (hornworts), and Bryophyta (leaf moss).
This study aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of this learning to improve student’s creative thinking skill. The research was conducted by involving 22 students of grade X by using one group pre-test and post-test. Students were learned both face to face learning and online leraning with software, named Schoology. Data obtained were the level of student’s creative thinking skill. The instrument used pretest and posttest sheets. The data were analyzed descriptive-quantitatively. The data of creative thinking skill were analyzed based on gain score, student’s creativity level and completeness of creative learning indicators. Improvement of students learning outcome can be seen in figure 1.
Figure 1. Improvement of Students Learning Outcome
Based on Figure 1, 57% students got high improvement and the rest which was 47% got medium improvement of learning outcome. Besides, student’s creative thinking skill can be described by Figure 2. that shows significant improvement of their creativity before and after learn Bryophyta using Blended Learning with Schoology.
Figure 2. Level of Student’s Creative Thinking Skill Before and After Blended Learning
Completeness of creative learning indicators were described by Table 1. that shows completeness of each indicators in face-to-face learning, online learning and whole learning process.
Table 1. Completeness of Each Creative Learning Indicators
Percentage (%)
Face to face learning
Online Learning
The results of this study indicated that learning process of both face-to-face learning and online learning were very successful to improve student’s creative thinking skill significantly, based on learning outcome, gain score and percentage of completeness each creative learning indicators.
Keywords: Blended Learning, Schoology, Creative Thinking, Bryophyta, Creativity
Acknowledgment: All academic civitas of State University of Surabaya.