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Analysis GPA and TOEFL Score for Postgraduate student of Sport Education using Bivariate Logistik Regression
Last modified: 2019-07-18
With the existence of free competition, the challenge of competition in all fields is no exception in finding work in the field of sports education. In order to meet the criteria of the shareholders, it is necessary to have a reliable and quality staff that is strong in challenges. To realize the criteria for prospective workers, a long and planned process in an academic field is needed. One of the solutions is analyzing student GPA, especially postgraduate students in sports education. In addition to GPA, another academic component is the English Language Test as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is also essential factor. This paper will investigate the factors that influence the Grade Point Average and TOEFL scores using bivariate logistic regression. The result shows that the coefficient of age of students has a strong evidence to reject null hypothesis at significant level 0.05. It means that the variable of age has a huge contribution to influence the GPA and the score of the TOEFL
logistic, Bivariate