Last modified: 2019-10-08
Coral reefs are one of the important components of tropical marine ecosystems, but are very vulnerable to damage. Climate change, coastal land use, and inaccurate coastal management patterns can threaten the preservation of coral reefs. This study aims to determine the diversity and condition of coral reefs on Kondang Merak beach, Malang, as well as various external factors that influence it.
The study used the in situ observation method. Data was taken using the line transect method, consisting of 9 transects. Each transect consists of 5 plots or subtransses measuring 1 x 1 meter, the distance between plots is 10 meters. The research parameters included internal factors (types of coral reefs, coral reef conditions, temperature, salinity, pH, and transparency of water), external factors (sedimentation, existing coastal conditions, and beach visitor behavior). Data were analyzed descriptively quantitatively and qualitatively.
The results showed that there were 15 coral reefs in Kondang Merak beach, including Favia sp., Agaricia sp., Acropora sp., Porites sp., Seriatopora sp., Sponge sp., Euphyllia sp., Montipora sp., Psammocora sp., Millepora sp., Briareum sp., Galaxea sp., Tubipora sp., Diploria sp., and Anacropora sp., The majority of which are in damaged condition. Sedimentation and stomping of visitors are external factors causing the dominant damage.