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The Model of Visual Thinking of Prospective Math Teacher in Understanding The Formal Definition of Convergent Sequences Based on Gender Differences
Last modified: 2019-10-08
The model of visual thinking is interesting to learn because the concepts are organized based on the meaning of forming mental imagery in the mind. Thinking by using mental imagery (visual information) is called visual thinking. This paper discusses the model of visual thinking of prospective mathematics teachers in understanding the formal definition of convergent sequences based on gender differences as a result of descriptive-explorative research with a qualitative approach. The visual thinking activities of male and female students are bringing up mental imagery, processing mental imagery (determining mental imagery, improving mental imagery), and utilizing mental imagery. To bring up mental imagery, the mind summons mental imagery or makes mental imagery. To determining mental imagery, the mind collects mental imagery and selects mental imagery. To improving mental imagery, the mind justifies mental imagery or completes mental imagery. To utilizing mental imagery, the mind uses mental imagery or represents mental imagery. Processing mental imagery has done according to the needs and purpose of the activity in understanding the formal definition of the convergent sequence.
visual thinking; gender