Last modified: 2020-09-21
Coronavirus Disease (Covid) 19 pandemic occurred in Indonesia today led to the emergence of policies in the field of education for the implementation of learning at home to avoid the spread of the disease. Educational instructors must be responsive to adapt to changes in learning that was originally offline to be online to secure the leraning process. This study aims to describe the various efforts of lecturers in carrying out online learning during the covid 19 pandemic. The research was in March-April 2020 with 32 respondents (lecturers in the Department of Biology, Universitas Negeri Surabaya). Rapid survey with Google form by asking the facilities used in the implementation of online learning, the implementation of online learning, and the lecturers' respons to online learning. Data were analyzed a quantitative descriptively. The results showed various lecturers’ efforts to secure the learning process during Pandemic Covid 19 Condition. They tried to use various platforms and applications to manage online learning, even in Learning Management Systems (LMS) and social media applications. The most widely used application was WhatsApp (84.4%) and in LMS was Google classroom (56.3%). In implementing online learning, lecturers have good design in teaching materials, preparation, implementation, evaluation of learning. In addition, 72% of lecturers responded positively to online implementation because they had benefited in increased digital literacy/ICT skills. The conclusion of this study were most lecturers responded positively by adapting to changes from offline to online learning during the covid 19 pandemic; online learning has been well implemented.