Last modified: 2020-09-21
Infectious disease is a disease caused by pathogenic microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses, parasites or fungi, the infection can spread directly or indirectly, from one individual to another. (WHO, 2019). The level of awareness of human to the danger of disease play a vital role in disease control. The results by the Health Research and Development Agency Republic of Indonesia (RISKESDAS, 2018) showed that only 20% of the population are aware of a healthy lifestyle, or the emergence of diseases. This lack of public health awareness is due to the lack of knowledge about health and these diseases. This will make the community vulnerable to the dangers of diseases such as infectious diseases.
Here in this talk, we will discuss a mathematical model of Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible (SIS), which considers the level of human awareness on disease existence. To construct the model, we assumed that the recruitment rate of the population is constant, and we divided the population based on their health status into susceptible unaware and aware of the disease, and infectious individuals. The level of awareness includes private awareness associated with direct contacts between unaware and aware populations, global awareness due to reported cases of infection and regular awareness campaigns from media or policymakers. The transmission diagram is shown in Fig 1.
Figure 1. Transmission Diagram for an infectious disease with awareness.
The dynamical behavior of the model is analyzed rigorously. The disease-free equilibria, endemic equilibria, and basic reproduction number are shown in this model analytically and numerically. We found that the disease-free equilibrium point would be stable if R0 < 1, and unstable if R0 > 1. From the sensitivity of R0, it was found that there is a minimum intensity for the awareness campaign so that the level of awareness manifested in the efforts of individuals to protect themselves from disease successfully eradicate the disease from the community. This result indicates that the efforts of individuals in protecting themselves can have a massive effect on the existence of the disease in the community. Some numerical simulations are also included in this talk to provide a more comprehensive visual interpretation of the model study results.