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The Effect of Chemiclife Media on Chemical Bond Material Based on Completeness and Student Learning Outcomes
Last modified: 2020-09-20
The aim of the research is to obtain the validity of Chemiclife media on chemical bond material. This research use 4D model (Define, Design, Develop and Disseminate) modified by Ibrahim, for this research the stages of dissemination have not been carried out. Chemiclife Media was tested on 12 students of XI MIA 2 class of Senior High School 1 GegerMadiun. The instrument used in this research was students learning outcomes test sheet in the form of pretest and posttest sheet. The effectivity of the media in terms of completeness student learning outcomes all student declared complete with posttest value ≥ 75, while in terms of increasing in learning outcomes 75% of students are on riteria and 15% are on medium criteria
Chemiclife media, chemical bond material, effectivity