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The Practicality of 3D Interactive Multimedia on Intermolecular Forces Matter to Foster Students’ Visual Spatial Intelligence
Last modified: 2020-06-19
This purpose of this study is to know the practicality of 3D interactive multimedia on intermolecular forces matter to foster students’ visual spatial intelligence. The practicality of multimedia interactive in learning process is important. It will give big impact into students’ learning outcomes and others learning objective such as the improvement of visual spatial intelligence. Moreover, this intelligence affect to students’ abstract visualization of chemistry concepts. For example, student with good visual spatial intelligence will ease to imagine the process of london force. The kind of this study is R&D which follow 4-D method by Thiagarajan. The aspects to define practical interactive multimedia are the ease of use of multimedia, the ease of understanding the material, the ability to foster spatial visual intelligence. This study involved 25 tenth grade students using students’ activity observation sheet and questionnaire sheet to gather the practicality data. Data analysing by descriptive quantitatively. The results are obtained 91,3% and 94,4% students give positive responses to the 3D Interactive Multimedia that developed, thus the result categorized as very practical.
Virtual 3D Interactive Multimedia; Visual-Spatial Intelligence; Practicality