Last modified: 2020-09-18
The rapid spread of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) infection has currently reach global level. This caused WHO to declare it as pandemic. In Indonesia, government establish Large-scale Social Distancing (PSBB) as measure against COVID-19 pandemic. As consequence, learning method used in junior and senior high school is substituted from face-to-face learning in class to online distance learning, including for science and biology. This study was conducted to know software preference used by science and biology junior and senior high school teachers for online learning. A total of 189 science and biology junior and senior high school teachers from various area had given their response via questionnaire. Data was analyzed using quantitative descriptive method. About 57% respondents had never manage online learning before COVID-19 pandemic while the remaining 43% had experience in managing one before. During current situation, as much as 94% respondents managed online learning via various software. Freely available software was used the most (78%) among respondents to manage online science/biology learning, while several used software facilities provided privately by school (19%). Software types used were forum platforms, both freely available and provided by school (89%), teleconference applications (12%), and assessment and evaluation softwares (15%). Most popular softwares for online learning used by science/biology teachers during PSBB measure were Google Classroom and Whatsapp Group.