Last modified: 2020-09-23
Indonesia reduces the spreading of COVID-19 infection by physical distancing. There is no argue that this policy affects all aspects, including education. Online learning has replaced the ordinary procedure of learning, whether we are ready or not. Organizing an online learning becomes an evitable challenge, especially for biology as a subject that has a lot of practicum.
This research aimed to describe biology online learning in Indonesia during pandemic as well as describe the efforts of biology teachers to conduct an online learning. 104 biology teachers of senior high school from several regions of Indonesia were involved as respondents. They were various in age (22-62 years old) and school (state schools and public schools). Online questionnaires were conducted to collect teacher’s responses using Google Forms then descriptive-quantitatively analyzed.
The results indicated that biology teachers have a great intention to conduct online learning regardless of age and prior experience. Almost half of them (42%) never managed an online learning before the pandemic. However, almost all biology teachers (95%) managed their classes by online. Looking for free applications and study independently became the main alternative to improve their skill to manage an online learning, while some of them learned from friends. Google Classroom was the most favorite application they choose (56%) as it is served for free by Google; meanwhile, some of them (23%) using WhatsApp Group, the familiar social media.
Biology teacher’s willingness to learn should be appreciated. Starting from lack of experience, almost half of them (49%) stated that there was no problem in organizing online classes. There were only 24% of application mastery constraints left; meanwhile others were related to student’s control, mastery of subject and longer preparation time. Various learning activities were successfully managed by online classes starting from presenting materials to evaluation. Some of biology teachers (30%) also managed practical work by online classes, whether using a virtual laboratory or simple practicum guidance to do at home. Teacher’s enthusiasm responses dominated the results of the questionnaire filling for both teachers with prior experience or teachers without prior experience. It can be concluded that the efforts of biology teachers were able to realize online learning during the Covid-19 pandemic.