Last modified: 2020-09-21
Surabaya, Â October 03, 2020
Development of Independent Learning Activities Unit (UKBM) Based on Problem Based Learning (PBL) -STEM Model with Formative Assessment as an Opportunity to Improve Students' Problem Solving Skills in Subject Heat and Temperature XI Grade of Senior High School
Rinda Alfiana*1, Parno2, Chusnana Insjaf Yogihati3
1 Student of Physics Department, Universitas Negeri Malang, INDONESIA.
2,3 Lecturer of Physics Department, Universitas Negeri Malang, INDONESIA.
Problem solving skill is an important element in learning physics. The 2013 curriculum requires active learning so that students are able to solve contextual problems. However, the results of the 2015 PISA survey showed that students' problem solving skills in Indonesia were still relatively low, ranking 62nd out of 70 countries. Meanwhile, heat and temperature are one of the important concepts that are directly related to daily life, and have abstract and theoretical concepts that cause students' misconceptions. Student misconceptions cause students difficulties in solving heat and temperature problems. Students difficulties in problem solving are caused by many factors, one of them is the use of media or teaching materials that have not been maximized. This research and development aims to develop teaching material products in the form of Independent Learning Activities Unit (UKBM) based on Problem Based Learning (PBL)-STEM model with Formative Assessment as an opportunity to improve problem-solving skills at the subject of heat and temperature XI grade of senior high school.
The UKBM was developed based on the Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) which was arranged according to the PBL-STEM model with Formative Assessment. UKBM that was developed presents references to daily problems in the form of learning videos that can be accessed directly by students by scanning QR codes or opening video links that have been provided.
The use of UKBM in the Semester Credit System (SKS) involves students actively in learning. In line with this, the implementation of the PBL-STEM model in learning can improve knowledge and problem solving skills in the real world. Then, to monitor student development and achievement in the learning process, it is necessary to have a formative assessment that helps teachers in learning progress and student achievement in learning. The development of UKBM based on PBL-STEM model with Formative Assessment has the opportunity to improve students' problem solving skills on the subject of heat and temperature.
The design of this study uses the Borg & Gall research and development model which consists of three main steps: initial study, product development, product trial. The instruments in this study are: (1) Questionnaire validation of the RPP; (2) UKBM validation questionnaire; (3) Readability test questionnaire. The validation questionnaire was completed by a lecturer as an expert and 2 physics teachers from 2 different schools as practitioners. The readability  questionnaire was imposed on 33 students of XI grade in 2 different schools who had studied temperature and heat material before. The validity of the instruments in this study was arranged according to the Guttman scale with the following conditions: agree = 1, disagree = 0. In interpreting and summarizing data, a percentage of product feasibility is determined based on the criteria shown in Table 1 below.
Table 1 Product Value Feasibility Categories
Interpretation Criteria
Very por
Very feasible
In this research and development, RPP and UKBM feasibility test is carried out by 1 expert validator and 2 practitioner validators and UKBM readability test by students. The results of the product feasibility test show that the RPP that has been developed is included in the very feasible criteria with an average feasibility percentage of 100%. Based on the UKBM feasibility test, UKBM is included in the very feasible criteria with an average feasibility percentage of 99%. Student readability test shows that UKBM developed is included in the very feasible criteria with an average readability percentage of 93%.
From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the RPP and UKBM that are developed based on PBL-STEM model with Formative Assessment have very feasible criteria so that they have the opportunity to improve student problem solving skills. Suggestions for continued product development and utilization are: (1) Implementing products in actual learning activities to find out the practicality of the product; (2) Conducting product trials in the experimental class using UKBM based on PBL-STEM model with Formative Assessment and control class using conventional learning models without UKBM to determine product effectiveness.
Keywords: Formative Assessment, PBL-STEM, Problem Solving Skills, UKBM
Thank you to all those who have helped this research especially to the validators and the students of SMAN 1 Malang and SMAN 4 Malang.