Last modified: 2020-09-22
At the end of March, Indonesia was shaken by a plague that attacks the respiratory system resulting in death. The virus is known as Covid-19 from Wuhan, China. Until May, cases of the spread of Covid-19 have increased in Indonesia with a mortality rate of 6.61%. Some areas have been identified as a red zones, even East Java precisely in Suarabaya Raya has been identified as a black zone. These conditions indicate the need for special handling of the spread of Covid-19. Beside washing hands, using masks, doing psycal distancing, and exercising regularly, maintaining and strengthening the body's immune system is one way that can be done to ward off the transmission of this virus and various other diseases, for instance is to consume supplement drinks. The purpose of this study was to determine the level of knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of the elderly in the consumption of supplement drinks during the pandemic. This research is a non-experimental quantitative research with a descriptive design, and uses a survey approach. Data collection using an online questionnaire with the google form application. The sample is the elderly. The results showed that the age of the samples was 46-78 years; ≥ 1/3 of them graduated from bachelor degree; and about ⅔ respondents work as entrepreneurs, housewives and retirees. Majority of respondents consume supplement drinks in the form of powder and liquid, their reasons is to maintain their health and increase the stamina. The level of knowledge of respondents regarding beverage supplements is quite good, the attitude and behavior of the consumption supplements drink showed positive. This indicates that supplement drinks are considered important for the elderly to maintain health and support their work activities.