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Development of instruments to Measure High Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) base Contextual of High School Students on Trigonometry Materials
Last modified: 2020-07-15
This study aims to develop instruments to measure the ability of contextual-based on HOTS of high school students, with the ADDIE development research model. The problems in this study include: 1) What is the process of developing instruments based on contextual with ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation) to measure the HOTS of high school students? 2) How to produce contextual-based instruments with the ADDIE development model to measure the HOTS of high school students? This research is a research and development. The development of contextual-based HOTS questions uses ADDIE development model. In analysis phase, the main activity is to analyze the need for question development. Furthermore, in the design stage, it is developed in various stages, namely the preparation of questions that begins with the preparation of material indicators and HOTS. Reference material indicators are curricula in schools and reference to the HOTS indicator is Bloom's taxonomy. The second step is to compile the problem framework, after which the researcher collects information on the use of trigonometry in everyday life (contextual). Then in the development stage, researchers combine information that has been collected in accordance with the material indicators. After that, the researcher corrects the questions that were made before they are validated, if it is appropriate then the questions are ready to be validated (validation expert evaluation, material expert validation, language expert validation). The fourth stage is the implementation carried out in class XI in several schools in DKI Jakarta and (or) Bekasi. Finally, the evaluation stage is to see whether there are still weaknesses and weaknesses or not. If there are no further revisions, the instrument is appropriate to use.
Higher Order Thinking Skills, Contextual Math Problem, ADDIE