Last modified: 2020-06-21
This class action research was carried out on students of science education study program at Surabaya State University by applying an electric motor media on learning Electricity Lorentz Style material that aims to improve student learning outcomes oriented towards STAD type Cooperative learning models, and the research procedure was carried out four stages namely planning, observation/action, reflection, and revision for two rounds. The results of the study are based on the results obtained from the first round of learning outcomes test, it can be seen that the classical completeness obtained by 77.5%. Based on the results obtained in round 2 tests, it can be seen that in round 2 the number of students who have not achieved mastery individually is reduced than the first round is to be 5 people who have not yet completed the existing students, so the classical completeness in round 2 is 97.5%. Classroom action research can be concluded that the management of cooperative learning by lecturers shows an increase from round 1 to round 2. Learning outcomes obtained by students in round 2 have increased from the learning outcomes of the previous round. Student activities during learning activities with the cooperative type STAD model are very good, this shows that learning with a cooperative model can increase student activity in the process of teaching and learning activities.