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Effect Pre-treatment Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) as Subtitution Of Nutrition Growth Microalgae Scenedesmus dimorphus for Feedstocks Biodiesel
Last modified: 2020-09-21
Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME)  is wastewater processing palm oil from fresh fruit bunches still contains organic compounds that can be used as a source of nutrition for microalgae growth. The aim of this research  was to determine the effect of pre-treatment of acid on POME used as a nutrition substitution of medium for growth microalgae Scenedesmus dimorphus. Acid pre-treatment using dilute acid which is  nitric acid and sulfuric acid. Growth medium microalgae Scenedesmus dimorphus using Bold Basal Medium (BBM) and various of concentration pre-treated POME. The results showed that microalgae which were cultured on POME medium  that has been pretreated had an effect on growth and increase in lipids. The resulting fatty acid methyl ester shows that it can be used as a biodiesel feedstock
POME, Pre-treatment, Biodiesel, Scenedesmus dimorphus, GC-MS