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The Creativity Skill of Junior High School Students in Solving Problem of Cube and Cuboid’s Matter Based on Learning Styles
Last modified: 2020-09-21
Problem solving is very important when learning mathematics and to solve it requires special skills which are often referred to as creativity skills. Students when learning are influenced by their learning style so that of course affects their creativity in solving problems. The purpose of this study was to describe the creativity skill of junior high school students in solving problem of cube and cuboid’s matter based on their learning style. This study was a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The instruments used in this study were creativity skill test, learning styles questionnaire, and interview. There were 3 criteria for investigating students’ creativity skill, such as fluency, flexibility, and novelty. The subjects of this study were three students at eight grade of State Junior High School 1 Pandaan - Pasuruan which has visual learning style, auditory learning style, and kinesthetic learning styles. The results of this study showed that the visual student produced two different solutions which from those solutions there were two different methods/strategies that used, such as determine the suitable size and try by dividing the same size of the solution with representation/sketch. The result of visual student’s solution couldn’t categorize on novelty, because those methods/strategies usually used by the students in a Junior High School. The auditory student provided two different solutions which from those solutions there were two different methods/strategies that used namely determine the suitable size and find the suitable size using system of linear equation three variables. For novelty of auditory student showed that student used system of linear equation three variables which is it learns at senior high school (not in junior high school’s level of cognitive development), but there’s error in that work procedure. The kinesthetic student provided two different solutions which from those solutions there is one method/strategy that used, namely determine the suitable size. On novelty of kinesthetic student couldn’t categorize on unusual in junior high school’s level of cognitive development.
Creativity Skill; Cube and Cuboid; Learning Styles