Open Conference Systems, MISEIC 2020

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Improvement of Students’ Self Efficacy and Learning Outcomes on Acid Base Matter Using Cycle 9E Learning Model
Fitroh Annisaul Mubarokah, Tukiran Tukiran, Harun Nasrudin

Last modified: 2020-09-29



Surabaya,  October 03, 2020



Improvement of Students’ Self Efficacy and Learning Outcomes on Acid Base Matter Using Cycle 9E Learning Model

Fitroh Annisaul M1*, Tukiran1#, and Harun Nasrudin1

1Science Education, Post Graduate, Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia

*Presenting author:

#Corresponding author:


Aims and Scope

This study aimed to determine the effectiveness of teaching materials developed using Learning Cycle 9E model on acid-base matter to improve self-efficacy and student’s learning outcomes. Success in the process of learning activities is not only influenced by the role of the teacher, but also the role of students. High student confidence will improve student learning outcomes and academic achievements. The application of the Learning Cycle 9E model required student performance to observe, classify, analyze, conclude, and communicate the results of experiments conducted. The results of this learning will increase student self-efficacy because students are directly involved in learning. Thus, students are expected to understand the concept of acid and base well.

Materials and Methods

The intended teaching materilas was developed using the 4D development model as formulated by Thiagarajan including Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate stages. However, the last stage was not carried out in this study. Teaching materials that have been developed were tested on 36 students in class XI of SMAN 7 Surabaya. The effectiveness of these teaching materials can be known using self efficacy instruments, motivation questionnaires, and pre- and post-test. Analysis of the data obtained was done descriptively and quantitatively.


The score of self-efficacy and learning outcome of each student can be seen as shown at figure 1 and figure 2, respectively. By using the N-gain calculation, it was known that the average increase of self-efficacy is 0.71 and the average increase of learning outcome is 0.75. The value of N-gain for them can be belonged to be high criteria.



Figure 1. Student’s self efficacy


Figure 2. Student’s Learning Outcomes



The teaching materials on acid base matter developed using Learning Cycle 9E model have effectively been able to improve students’ self efficacy and learning outcomes.

Keywords: acid base, learning cycle 9E model, learning outcomes, self efficacy.


Researchers are very grateful to Achmad Lutfi, Bertha Yonata, and Sukarmin who have validated the teaching materials that have been developed.


acid base, learning cycle 9E model, learning outcomes, self efficacy.