Last modified: 2020-07-12
Dwi Lestariningsih1 2 * , Luthfiyah Nurlaela1, Andi Mariono1
1Universitas Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia
2Sekolah Tinggi Teologia Injili Abdi Allah, Indonesia
A learning process will be carried out well, efficiently and effectively, if there is continuity between students, teachers and learning resources in a conducive learning environment with a careful planning. Among the various elements of the learning process, if there is one thing that inhibits, the learning process will not be in accordance to the expected goals. Likewise, the implementation is still part of the learning process that is expected to be implemented well. To realize the conditions of student learning outcomes in accordance with learning outcomes in learning strategy courses, the appropriate reference theory of learning is problem based learning (PBL). PBL will work as a learning approach that involves students to deal with problems through real practice in accordance with daily life.
This study is designed using a quasi-experimental, which was chosen because first, it is not possible to form pure experimental groups because the researchers have to use classes that already exist. The experimental design is in accordance with the purpose of this study, which is to see the competence of understanding concepts with PBL learning models. The relationship that states the effect of independent variables PBL learning models on competence to understand student concepts as dependent variables.
Stating the influence of competence in understanding the concepts of students who are taught using the PBL model to study subjects of learning strategies, students who are taught using the PBL model have higher competency in understanding concepts in learning subjects of learning strategies.