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Reasoning of Student with Logical Mathematical and Visual Spatial Intelligence in Geometric Problem Solving
Last modified: 2020-09-21
Reasoning in geometry problem solving helps students recognize shapes, identify properties and analyze relationships between geometric objects. This study aimed at investigating the reasoning of student with logical mathematical and visual spatial intelligence in geometric problem solving. This research was qualitative. The research subjects were two male 9th grade students with equal mathematical abilities. First student dominant in logical mathematical intelligence (LM), other's in visual spatial intelligence (VS). The instruments in this study were test to determine the dominance of students' intelligence type. Geometry tests used to find out students' understanding and thought processes in solving problem about cuboid surface area. Interview used to explore how the students completed the given geometry test . Students geometry reasoning was explained based Van Hiele model of geometric thought. The results, both students able to identify the shapes, and analyze the characteristics of objects as well. VS able to represent problem into image and visualize information to find the correct procedures. Both are able to providing good explanations about the relationship between geometry constructs, LM uses mathematical model, and VS uses a visual approach. In performing problem solving, LM is more thoughtful using mathematical procedures and calculations while VS had visual analytic abilities.
geometry; intelligence; logical mathematical; problem solving; reasoning; visual spatial